Leadership development facilitations are based on the P4mance @titude© as well as programmes based on the certified John Maxwell Programs as a tool to implement a Culture Change Initiative to change Organisational and employee “Mindset”:
- Management “essential and soft skills” training interventions
- Communication
- Vision and Strategy
- Leadership
- Personal Growth & Development

Strategic and Business Planning services provided:
- Facilitate Strategic Planning Workshops
- Development of Strategic and Business Plans
- Development of Implementation Programmes and Plans
- Development of Operational Plans
- Review Business Process Analysis and Measurement
- Programme and Project Management

Organisational Design and Development:
- Review and development of Organisational Structures (Macro, Meso, & Micro levels)
- Alignment of Organisational structures to Corporate Strategies
- Job profiling and Job Evaluations
- Skills Audit
- Matching and Placement of employees
- Salary Benchmarking
- Employment Equity Plans
- Workplace Skills Development Plans

Performance Management services provided:
- Development of Performance Management Policies, Frameworks and Procedure Manuals
- Development of Organisational Scorecards (Balanced Scorecards)
- Development of SMART Impact, Outcome, Output, and Input Performance measures and detailed supportive Technical Indicator Descriptors
- Development of employee Performance Management Policies and Procedures
- Development of employee Performance Plans
- Facilitate employee Performance Evaluations
- Development of Performance Monitoring, Review and Reporting tools and procedures

Coaching is provided as certified coach by Success Factory and John Maxwell Team
- Business and Executive Coaching
- Middle- and First-Line Management Coaching
- Performance Coaching
- Group Coaching
- Individual Life Coaching